Seek qualified vendor for Online Curriculum Services for 9th through 12th grade that align with Common Core Standards Friendship Public Charter Schools seeks qualified and experienced bidder(s) to provide Online Curriculum Services: The services should include a complete scope and sequence of courses for Ninth grade through Twelfth Grade including documentation that such courses align to Common Core Standards. The goal of the curriculum is that all students will meet or exceed all proficiency and competency standards as are applicable. The curriculum shall incorporate an instructional design in which: Program/course design should reflect a clear understanding of student needs and incorporate varied ways to learn and multiple levels of mastery of the curriculum; The program/course design should reflect honors and AP courses. The program/course design should reflect opportunities for Credit Recovery The program/course design should allow for a blended approach, (full time, and single class) Digital content is delivered to students through a provider hosted model. Provider will not only provide the digital content, but will host its own course management; The program/course is organized into themes and lessons that clearly state a suggested completion timeframe for a 180 day school year which takes into account breaks, holidays, etc.; Each lesson includes an overview, content, activities, enrichment, remediation, and assignments and assessments to provide multiple learning opportunities for students to master the content; The course goals and objectives are measurable and clearly state what the participants will know or be able to do at the end of the course; The program/course instruction includes activities that engage students in active learning and address a variety of learning styles and preference; The program/course provides opportunities for students to engage in higher-order thinking, critical reasoning activities and thinking in increasingly complex ways; The program/course reflects multicultural education and is accurate, current, and free of bias; The teacher can adapt learning activities and assignments/assessments on a continual basis to accommodate students’ needs; Readability levels, written language assignments, and mathematical requirements are appropriate for the course content and the students; The program/course provides opportunities for appropriate instructor-student and student-student interaction to foster mastery and application of the material and a plan for monitoring that interaction; Objectives are matched to content requirements and to the grade and skill levels of the intended audience; Program/course tasks and assessments align with the required; The program/course content and assignments are of sufficient rigor, depth, and breadth to teach the standards being addressed; Information literacy and communication skills are incorporated and taught as an integral part of the curriculum; Extended resources and activities are provided to increase achievement levels; The content and assessments must be designed for use in a virtual environment, blended learning environment, and asynchronous environment; Lesson content and activities can be manipulated/altered by school and/or individual teachers; The program can incorporate and prescribe real-time adaptive interventions based on student performance; Online lessons should be accompanied by offline material (i.e. textbooks, novels, workbooks, kits, etc.) to allow for greater understanding and retention; Detailed process for clients to submit and/or make content edits, accompanied by a timeline for completion; Understanding of how often content is upgraded or otherwise edited; The school will understand how and when a change within a course made by a vendor will impact the client; Content and assessments must address the needs of ELL learners, students with an IEP, and students with a GIEP;