Seek qualified vendor for Logistical Support for Building Capacity for High School Students in STEM Disciplines Friendship PCS is seeking a firm to assist with logistical support to develop and conduct educational developmental modules that assist with connecting and building capacity for high school students in STEM disciplines. The project would include: Development of a minimum of 8 modules and activities, to include both high school juniors and seniors, that connect and build student capacity in STEM disciplines. Modules to include but not limited to: Effective resume writing Attendance at conferences and activates that allows students to gain exposure to and experience in talking with business people, politicians and educators for purposes of internships and job opportunities. Development of Interview skills Assistance with Internships opportunities Maximizing the college experience Navigating the college search and tips on selecting the right college Exploring niche careers in the STEM fields of Health Sciences and IT. Financial aid and student loans 3. Post HS graduation expectations and next step planning.