English Language Learner Student Identification Policy In compliance with state and federal guidelines, FPCS is committed to providing equal opportunity for English language learners. To ensure that ELLs are provided with an equal opportunity, FPCS will: Identify limited English Proficient students; Assess their level of English Language proficiency; Provide appropriate instructional support services for students identified as limited English proficiency; and Monitor their academic growth through the use of periodic evaluations and teacher input. Once ELLs are identified, FPCS provides ongoing support to our students. Using an intensive English program, the academic content areas of English language arts, social studies, science, and mathematics are used to drive the success of all ELLs. This ensures that ELLs have access to the same academic content and performance standards as non-ELLs. All instruction is given in English through a program that is created by the ESL teacher and general educator to meet the individual needs of each child. Both teachers work to reduce language-based barriers in academic subjects and improve ELLs’ comprehension and/or word reading ability. Through their full inclusion and participation in the general education classroom, English language learners at Friendship are held to the same rigorous standards as all students. Where necessary, the ESL teacher may also provide direct, one-on-one language instruction in a pull-out setting, instead of using the general instruction time. The one-on-one instruction that students receive is based upon individual student mastery of grade level skills in English Language Arts. The ESL and classroom teacher will test each student’s skill level and language needs based on both formal and informal assessments. For more information, or to direct questions regarding ESL services offered at Friendship Public Charter School, please contact the Community Office at (202) 281-1700.